eLearning, Social Media, and User Interface Combine to Make Powerful Personal Learning Portals

Content is king, right?  Well then the new queen in eLearning is social media.  When was the last time we thought about how the new generation wants to learn?  Beyond content, beyond access, beyond look and feel, but “delivery and learner extensions”.   eLearning is on the cusp of a new horizon, (in its own infancy, and growing fast) by providing the training online through a system that provides updates, access to current information, and in an environment that lives on your desktop.  No, its not a new LMS, its lightweight, portable applications extending the training with streams of relevant information, news, updates,social media, and more.  Today, those who embrace eLearning focus deeply on content, which is correct, but we now need to focus on extending that content for real world information, news, and updates.

Brookwood is developing a solution that extends training on a personal level, includes social media, and can be customized to meet the learners specific needs.  Our solution will empower the learner to go beyond what is provided to them by allowing them to customize their own personal training portal.  Check back in a week for news on a upcoming demo of this new solution.

Take your training to a new level of learning and information with a Broowood Solution.  

Check out our latest portfolio here:  http://brookwood.com/portfolio-d/

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